In a conventional busy day, two people seat in one of the many metro trains. They are busy connecting with the rest of the world, planning their night, checking their duties. They not even notice there is a whole environment around them.
But what would happen if we could get rid of the fear, the conventionalisms, the bon ton and allow that side of ourselves to just go for the wild curiosity that our ruled society take good care to segregate in the remote corners of our personality? What would happen if we remove the leash and let them go…….. just for a ride.
The weekend of the 23rd-24th-25th of February 2018 I participated to the AT&T Create-a-Thon contest.
I had no idea what it was about. I heard about it because I attended a workshop that AT&T hosted two weeks before about VR and 360 video.
I didn’t know much about it and I was frankly quite skeptical. I have never participated to making a film before. I have a deep and visceral passion for films, and I believe I developed skills as an editor. Not much more though.
My idea was to check out the event and find a group that already had a project to help as an editor. It would be a good opportunity to meet people, work on an exciting project and learn more about the behind-the-scene film environment.
I soon met this guy, a director, that gave me the script he was planning to work on. A script of 60 pages on a detective film. Considering that the only key element that AT&T asked was to stay within 5 minutes or less, I did’t think that was a good start.
While I was walking around the packed conference room at the SubCulture Center, full of people that were looking for actors, editors, and any form of help, I met Stu. He asked me – Do you have a group? – I said – No.
Do you have an idea?
I have no idea how that happened but… it happened. I said – Yes. I have an idea.
This is the product we created and developed, thanks to the work of two wonderful actresses [Christine and Lea] that shoot with us in the subway on Friday and Saturday night at 2 am.
We all worked hardly and non-stop for 48 hours as the film was due to submit at 2 pm on Sunday the 25th.
It is been an amazing experience that revealed to me a side of myself I did not even know to have.
Unfortunately for the technical issue of the commission, the film was not screened and part of the competition.
I will leave you the task to decide if it’s an interesting work or not.
Special Thanks
Here below some snapshot of the work in progress with a green screen created with 11 posters hanged on the wall of color acid green, that for $11.58 total worked just fine.
I would also like to that my Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact, that with its 4K camera gave us some of the footage we used in the film.
In a conventional busy day, two people seat in one of the many metro trains. They are busy connecting with the rest of the world, planning their night, checking their duties. They not even notice there is a whole environment around them.
But what would happen if we could get rid of the fear, the conventionalisms, the bon ton and allow that side of ourselves to just go for the wild curiosity that our ruled society take good care to segregate in the remote corners of our personality? What would happen if we remove the leash and let them go…….. just for a ride.
The weekend of the 23rd-24th-25th of February 2018 I participated to the AT&T Create-a-Thon contest.
I had no idea what it was about. I heard about it because I attended a workshop that AT&T hosted two weeks before about VR and 360 video.
I didn’t know much about it and I was frankly quite skeptical. I have never participated to making a film before. I have a deep and visceral passion for films, and I believe I developed skills as an editor. Not much more though.
My idea was to check out the event and find a group that already had a project to help as an editor. It would be a good opportunity to meet people, work on an exciting project and learn more about the behind-the-scene film environment.
I soon met this guy, a director, that gave me the script he was planning to work on. A script of 60 pages on a detective film. Considering that the only key element that AT&T asked was to stay within 5 minutes or less, I did’t think that was a good start.
While I was walking around the packed conference room at the SubCulture Center, full of people that were looking for actors, editors, and any form of help, I met Stu. He asked me – Do you have a group? – I said – No.
Do you have an idea?
I have no idea how that happened but… it happened. I said – Yes. I have an idea.
This is the product we created and developed, thanks to the work of two wonderful actresses [Christine and Lea] that shoot with us in the subway on Friday and Saturday night at 2 am.
We all worked hardly and non-stop for 48 hours as the film was due to submit at 2 pm on Sunday the 25th.
It is been an amazing experience that revealed to me a side of myself I did not even know to have.
Unfortunately for the technical issue of the commission, the film was not screened and part of the competition.
I will leave you the task to decide if it’s an interesting work or not.
Special Thanks
Here below some snapshot of the work in progress with a green screen created with 11 posters hanged on the wall of color acid green, that for $11.58 total worked just fine.
I would also like to that my Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact, that with its 4K camera gave us some of the footage we used in the film.